Saturday, August 31, 2019

Which theory best explains the development of EU environmental policy?

The successful development of EU international environmental policy has been the subject of much recent study within various disciplines. One promising theory for cross-disciplinary researches of EU environmental policy invokes the concept of international regime. Regime theory might expect to explain a great deal about the development of EU environmental policy in global environmental affairs. It is insightful to consider the EU environmental policy as a regime given that the regime definition most frequently cited is so broad as to certainly include the EU where ‘norms, rules and decision-making procedures in a given area of international relations' (Krasner, 1983, p. 2) are said to be in existence. This sort of theory would enable one to consider the connections between the institutions of the EU and the member states. It may explain the inter-state relationship that lies behind the formation and development of EU international environmental policy. Te positions the EU projects in international affairs are evidently themselves the product of interest mediation and agreed bargaining directed by institutions. This paper will consider the work of both international relations (IR) and international law (IL) scholars to evaluate regime theory as instrument of EU environmental policy, using ozone layer depletion case study as specific example. Main Body International Regime Theory Although international regimes were used much earlier by IL as a means of giving an account of legal regulation in unregulated areas (Connelly and Smith 2002, p. 190), the regime theory has gained significance originally within the discipline of IR. The regime theory was developed to explain stability in the international system despite the absence or decline of domination (Connelly and Smith 2002, p. 202). It is only in the 1990th that regime theory has again become the focal point of legal scholars searching for ways to stimulate international cooperation (Connelly and Smith 2002, p. 10). This requires the organization into a unified pattern of the disciplines of IR and IL, the relationships between them having been one of mutual neglect, as explained by Hurrell and Kingsbury: Regime theorists have tended to neglect the particular status of legal rules, to downplay the links between specific sets of rules and the broader structure of the international legal system, and to underrate the complexity and variety of legal rules, processes, and procedures. On the other hand, theoretical accounts of international . . . law have often paid rather little explicit attention to the political bargaining processes that underpin the emergence of new norms of international . . . law, to the role of power and interest in inter-state negotiations, and to the range of political factors that explain whether states will or will not comply with rules. (1992, p. 12) There is no absolute agreement on what precisely forms an international regime. Goldie, in one of his works in this area, described regimes as: (1) the acceptance, amongst a group of States, of a community of laws and of legal ideas; (2) the mutual respect and recognition accorded by certain States to the unilateral policies of others acting in substantial conformity with their own, enmeshing all the States concerned in a regime with respect to those policies; (3) a common loyalty, among a group of States, to the principle of abstention regarding a common resource. 1962, p. 698) Thomas Gehring (1990) presents a more integrated work in this area, in particular as it better addresses the role of IL in international regime theory. He identifies international regimes as the regulations, developed within the context of a consultation of parties to the regime, governing a specific area of IR. Within this structure, IL is the search for unanimity and agreement on the priorities and plans for international action. Once these are made clear, norms will develop as to how to carry out these priorities and plans, resulting in accepted norms or â€Å"shared expectations† concerning the behaviour of states (Gehring, 1990, p. 37). Certainly, this progress from priority setting to norm gradual development takes time, but it is the regime structure that allows for the process to take place at all. Thus, regimes create the building blocks for the development of norms and rules. Development of EU Environmental Policy and Regime Theory. The influence of EU within environmental affairs cannot be disregarded as the environment in general has to a great extent become a matter of international concern. Of the many international organisations and specialised bodies dealing with environmental issues, the one mostly associated with such work is the European Union. Among other bodies and specialized agencies, the EU is most closely involved in environmental affairs. Regime theory is the most commonly employed theoretical paradigm in the study of EU international environmental politics. The study of the EU focuses upon how the EU affects the prospects of regime-building and how it may create the path of international cooperation. By signing up to agreements on behalf of its member states, the EU increases the scope of a regime by increasing the obligations of states that may in a different way have adopted lower standards. The EU pulls states into commitments. Often, however, the ‘convoy' analogy (Bretherton and Vogler 1997, p. 22) more precisely describes the process, whereby action is delayed by the slowest part of the train. This effect is seen during the ozone negotiations. Despite the attempts of Denmark and Germany to push things forward, the precluding tactics of France and the UK were able to ensure that on many occasions the EU was ‘condemned to immobility' (Jachtenfuchs, 1990, p. 265). Yet, by coordinating the position of (currently) 27 member nations in environmental negotiations, the Commission makes smaller the complexity of negotiations and decreases pressures upon international organisations to perform that function. Approaches informed by regime theory would also help to see the leadership role of the EU as an effort to originate cooperation conditional on the involvement of other parties. Hence the statement of a greenhouse gas decrease target as early as 1990 was planned as a first move in the ‘nice, reciprocate, retaliate' strategy that Connelly and Smith (2002, p. 269 indicated is the necessary to cooperation. Paterson (1996, p. 105) notes, for example, that â€Å"The announcement of the EU target in October 1990 was explicitly designed to influence the outcome of the Second World Climate Conference and to precipitate international negotiations†. Usually, however, IR perspectives tend to overlook the significance of intra-country dynamics to the creation of positions in international agreements. This factor severely restricts their applicability to EU decision-making development. In spite of that, in the ozone case it could be argued a combination of ‘domestic' and international pressures best explain the role of the EU in creating and supporting the regime in question. The EU is as one unit in this case. The four relationships are: one between member states and the EU; between the EU organisations in their internal power efforts; among the boards of directors and eventually between the various boards of directors and interest groups (Matlary, 1997, p. 146). With the EU environmental policy one clearly has a regime within a regime. Models of multi-level governance used to explain the policy development within Europe may be extended to include the international dimension. Viewed from this perspective, EU international environmental negotiations become a site of debate between transnational networks of environment departments from government and regional economic institutions working together with NGOs and sympathetic international organisations (such as UNEP), set against networks including Trade and Industry departments, business lobbies and international organisations which promote the interests of industry (such as UNIDO ( United Nations Industrial Development Organisation)) (Connelly and Smith 2002, p. 36). The interconnected groups operate horizontally and vertically and across national, regional and international levels including state and non-state players alike in strategic unions established on particular issues. Cooperation in Environmental Problems Collaboration is represented by the game, wherein each state follows a dominant strategy that leads to suboptimal payoffs for both. Regime theory presents the EU primarily as a tool. The EU deliberately seeks to change the system, design strategies to do so, and attempts to implement the strategies. To assess the development of EU environmental policy in environmental cooperation, then, two potential roles of the EU must be examined: the EU as tool and the EU as independent advocate. The EU helps states overcome the complexity of issues to arrive at coordination equilibrium. States usually remain concerned that others will exploit them, and the EU is needed to increase confidence in compliance. As independent actor, the EU is expected to play a significant role in environmental cooperation. Increased autonomy of the EU on some environmental issues and the increased needs of states to rely on them for collaboration and coordination allow those organizations with unified leadership and significant resources to have independent effects. Ozone: The First Global Challenge The development of the regime intended to limit the release into the atmosphere of ozone-depleting chemicals is in many ways a case of EU-US relations. The key turning points in the development of the process of negotiating from a framework convention at Vienna through to legally imposing an obligation protocol commitments at Montreal, London and Copenhagen reflect changes in the negotiating position of the EU and the US (Connelly and Smith 2002, p. 230). The development of ozone polices can be traced back to 1977. The ‘can ban' established in the US put the US in conditions to push for a global ban on CFCs. Process of negotiating moved very gradually at first against strong European opposition to cuts in CFCs, despite a Council resolution in March 1980 restricting the use of CFCs, reacting to American pressure and increasing public concern over the ozone problems. The supporters of controls (the US, Canada, the Nordic states, Austria and Switzerland), met together in 1984 to create the ‘ Toronto group'. The EU initially indicated that no controls were necessary. However, eventually it admitted that a production capacity cap may be required and presented a draft protocol that included their 1980 measures. The offered 30 per cent reduction was without difficulty achievable because use was already declining (Connelly and Smith 2002, p. 200) and in essence served to fix the status quo (Jachtenfuchs, 1990). The deadlock that resulted between the EU and the Toronto group made certain that only a framework convention could be made at Vienna. This promised intercommunion in research and monitoring and promotion of information-sharing. At the March 1986 assemblyof the EU Council of Ministers, the EU took a position of a 20 per cent CFC production cut. This was partly impelled by the threat of unilateral action by the US to impose trade sanctions against the EU (Connelly and Smith 2002, p. 261). The Montreal Protocol later agreed in September 1987 required cuts of 50 per cent from 1986 levels of production and use of the five principal CFCs by 1999. The figure of a 50 per cent cut was established as a settlement of a dispute by concessions on both sides between the EU's proposed freeze and the US's proposal for a 95 per cent cut. The Protocol contained an interval for the implementation of the Protocol by less developed countries, restrictive measures on trade with non-members and an ozone fund for technology transport. This latter element of the agreement is especially important for the EU for, as Jachtenfuchs (1990, p. 272) states, ‘The success of the EU's environmental diplomacy in this important field will to a large extent depend on how far it is able to provide technical and financial assistance to developing countries'. As a regional economic integration organisation, the EU was granted permission to meet consumption limits together rather than country by country. This was planned to assure some transfers of national CFC production quotas among EU member-states in order to allow commercial producers in Europe to improve production processes cost-effectively. Despite this concession, some European members in the Protocol process believed that they were ‘bullied' into an agreement favourable to US industry, dubbing the Montreal agreement ‘The DuPont Protocol' (Parsons, 1993, p. 61). In spite of that, on 14 October 1988 the Council adopted a law, transforming every aspect of the Protocol into EU legislation. The law came into force instantly in order to emphasise the importance of the issue and to prevent trade distortions which might emerge from non-simultaneous use of the new legislation (Connelly and Smith 2002, p. 269). At the March assembly of the EU Environment Council which took place in 1989, the UK after a long delay joined the rest of the EU in agreeing to phase-out all CFCs ‘as soon as possible but not later than 2000' (Parsons, 1993, p. 47). At the same time France submitted to external pressure to drop its uncompromising position. The London assembly of the members in June 1990 was consequently able to agree that all entirely halogenated CFCs would be phased-out by the year 2000, with successive lessening of 85 per cent in 1997 and 50 per cent in 1995. Some member states have gone beyond the restrictions stated in the international agreements, however. Germany, for instance, has passed legislation stating that CFCs be removed by 1993, halons by 1996, HCFC 22 by 2000 and CT (carbon tetrachloride) and MC (methyl chloroform) by 1992 (Parsons, 1993). On another hand, behind the diplomacy of the negotiations between the states, the case is in a fundamental way one of the competing positions of the chemical companies, chiefly, ICI (in the UK), Du Pont (in the US) and Atochem (in France). Industry agents served formally on European national delegations through the whole of the process. EU industrialists ‘believed that American companies had endorsed CFC controls in order to enter the profitable EU export markets with substitute products that they had secretly developed' (Benedick, 1991, p. 23). The EU followed the industry line and reflected the views of France, Italy and the United Kingdom in its policy. The significance of these commercial considerations is easily noticed in the persistent efforts to define cuts in HFCs and HCFCs (perceived to be the best alternative to CFCs). The EU has found it problematic to come to an agreeable position on reducing the production and consumption of these chemicals because substitute chem icals were not yet easily available. Indecision could also be explained by the fact that some European producers wanted to establish export markets for HCFCs in the less developed ‘south'. The differing commercial interests regarding the ozone issue presented the difficulty the EU faced in its effort to formulate common policy positions in international environmental process of negotiating. This case demonstrates that ozone depletion was one of the first global environmental issues to create a coordinated and consentient international response. Despite remaining weakness in the ozone regime it is regarded to be one of the few tangible successes of EU international environmental policy taking into account that governments took action before certain proof of environmental disaster had occurred. The EU has explicit rules, agreed upon by governments, and provides a framework for the facilitation of ongoing negotiations for the development of rules of law. Regime theory regards EU international environmental policy as a means by which states solve collective environment problems. Regime theory, as well as most current studies of cooperation in international politics, treats the EU as means to an end – as intermediate variables between states' interests and international cooperation. The EU is an independent actor which plays an independent role in changing states' interests – and especially in promoting cooperation. Conclusion The consideration in this paper of the ozone depletion regimes reveals that there is prospect for development in the international legal order. The picture that emerges of EU international environmental policy and politics is a complex and relating to the study of several subject disciplines. It should be noted that there is none predominant theoretical perspectives in international environmental politics adequate to explain this rich complexity. Given the complex reality of environmental cooperation between states and the context within which it develops, explaining policy processes and developments by a single theoretical perspective is an uncertain prospect. Still better understanding of the developments of EU environmental policy in these processes may be fostered by relying on a regime theory.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A drama by Arthur Miller Essay

The Crucible is a drama by Arthur Miller wrote in the 1950’s. It tells the tail of a village in America, Salem. This is overcome with mass hysteria witchcraft trials. In the opening scene of the film, Act 1, the director chooses to go straight to one of the main characters, Abigail. She is the center of the group of girls and the scene moves straight to forest where the girls are dancing. There is spooky music playing in the background. They start to chant and partake in the practice of witchcraft. Abigail whispers to Tituba (the servant of Rev. Paris and we then find out later that she want John Proctor to fall in love with her. Abigail picks up the chicken and uses it to put a spell on John. The background is dark and with witchcraft, chanting and music all builds up tension very well. In the original play you do not see the witch craft practiced at the beginning. Instead Author Miller chooses to go stright to a young girl affected by the witch craft Betty (the Rev. Paris daughter) who appears to be in a comma. This is due the girls getting cauter while practicing there witch craft. We find out that Rev. Paris saw the girl in the forest dancing, this called them all to freak out and run around like headless chickens and it scared Betty so much that she was now in a comma. Paris say â€Å"†¦ my daughter and my niece I discovered dancing like heathen in the forest†¦ † Abby denies they were doing witchcraft, she says they where just dancing when her uncle, the Rev. Paris, came along and frightened them Betty fainted. In the play Arthur Miller’s introduction is calm but the film has a spooky, eerie and dramatic feeling. Abby is very dominant over the other girls and has a lot of control over them. She is the main character and one of the oldest so she has the most control over them. She seems to sense the girl’s weakness and uses this to her advantage by making them copy her when she wants. Tituba become more powerful with every one surrounding her listen to her every word of what happened in the forest which make her feel more important and less like a slave. In Act 2 in the pace of the play stat to build up as the sentences become small and I found my self read much quicker which seemed to keep me in suspense building tension. We find out that Abbey has an affair with John Proctor and that his wife knows about this some thing you would not expect from a Nobel man like John. All this seemed to make Abbey a stronger character which may seem odd as Abbey started out as an innocent girl having a bit of fun in the forest. Mary Warren enters the Proctor’s house suddenly. The sight of here make john Proctor furious. It is very dramatic when he grabs her and shakes her and shouts â€Å"I’ll whip you if you do not dare leave this house again. † But the tension drops as Mary Warren goes limp in his grip and claims to be sick. Proctor’s anger is draining and Mary’s staye is emphasized when she give the limp rag doll to Elizabeth Proctor. The tension rises very dramatically when proctor finds the needle in the rag doll.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Jazz Essay

Raised in a home where melodies are often played in the instruments we have or even just hummed by a family member while doing chores, I have grown to love pieces of music especially opera, orchestra and the classics. So when my friends, who are musicians themselves, invited me to one of the performances of a jazz band during the celebration of the University’s anniversary last July 9 at The Technopark, I was feeling rather apprehensive. It is not as what you would expect my genre of choice. I have always typified this particular field as an African-American influenced rhythmic and instrumental form of music. My ears were almost involuntarily programmed to have an distaste to these tunes. But since they started to play, I forgot my earlier impression because I was already enjoying the concert. Savoring the pleasure of listening to the upbeat of jazz music, I was jazzed up and entirely enthralled with the soulful performance of the Jazz Ensemble. In the hands of trumpeter Roy Barja, trombonist Marko Geron, bassist Jeff Flores and saxophonist Brad Cruz, the contrivances took on a unique character, and one whose ebullience can hardly be contained. The ensemble started with a bang of Jazz Story playing different types of jazz music that evolved within the through time until the modern jazz of today. Then, the members of Jazz Ensemble played classics like Victor Young’s â€Å"When I Fall in Love†, George Gershwin’s â€Å"Someone to Watch Over Me† and â€Å"Pink Panther†. With the variety of instruments involved, lush harmonies and textures satiated my ears’ desire for excellent sounds. Each artist had a chance for a nippy glare of publicity. He would play short melodic fragments meant to be repeated by a section of the band with growing passion. They masterfully serenaded and entertained the audience through vocalist Mara Duran who did vocals on â€Å"Orange-colored Sky† and â€Å"It had to be You†. The group kept the crowd swaying and crooning on our seats in time with the beat. Jazz took my heart out from the first notes that had drifted from the instruments up until the faintest tune that was whispered by the wind. That night, I closed my eyes with a trace of smile upon my lips as I hum a segment from the song Love is Here to Stay.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Knowledge and Skills for Managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Knowledge and Skills for Managers - Essay Example First, because in both situations, managers head an organization that needs to exercise problem solving, logical thinking, technical knowledge, effective communication, reasonableness and understanding. Joane Fritz explains in an article entitled â€Å"What are the key characteristics of a non-profit organization† published in in 2011, that non-profit organizations and private organizations may differ in their purpose when it comes to income distribution, but in either way, managers in both organizations are directly responsible to their stakeholders. Non-profit organizations are sometimes referred to as â€Å"non-stock† corporations and most often registered as a corporation, an individual enterprise, association, partnership or foundations. WEX article, entitled â€Å"Non-profit Organizations† published in Legal Information Institute of Cornell University Law School cited churches, public charities, public schools, public clinics and hospitals labor u nions, professional associations, research institutes, museums, and some governmental agencies as good examples of a non-profit organization. As compared to private organizations? the non-profit organization belongs to the public as no one person controls the organization. Its assets are assigned to the charitable, educational, literary, scientific or religious purposes of the organizations. Thus, a manager under this set up is guided by the principles of non -profit organization in pursuance of his duties. What makes the non-profit organization distinct from private organizations is their treatment of profit in the operation. Non-profit organization also derives profit from its operations but the profit does not go to the members of the board not even to its founders. In this manner, managers see to it that this policy is followed as he becomes accountable to donors of the organization. As a manner of control, managers are required to render financial accounting report to the Feder al State and government as non-profit organizations are entrusted with funds in accomplishing their mission. Working for a non-profit organization takes a lot of sacrifice. Fritz, in the same article previously cited, said the law requires that board of directors should not be compensated except for expenses for travel and for attending board meetings. Salaries of the five highest paid officers of the non-profit organization are also required to be declared, and that includes salaries of the manager. The manager, too, has to do a lot of corporate reporting aside from the Federal State through its annual income tax return. He is also controlled by the State Attorney’s General Office that makes it a point that non- profit organization follows the laws (Fritz, Joane. 2010). The â€Å"Basic Business Principles of Management† as explained by Raul Thadani in an article in remain the same whether one is managing a big corporation, a small one and a non-profit organ ization. These basic principles do not isolate usage for non-profit organization and same rules and concepts are universally applied in every situation wherein management is deemed necessary. (Thadani, 2010) The managerial task Thadani of in same article of Basic Management Principles outlined five basic management principles a manager should follow which I have explained below (Thadani 2010). The first step a manager does in a non-profit organization is to set the goals of the company or the activity to be done. Most often, this is expressed in the mission and vision statements established by the company and the realistic targets set by the managers. The duty of the manager here is to convey these goals to the employees so that

Consider a product from your Marketplace firm Essay

Consider a product from your Marketplace firm - Essay Example nternational market, the company has realized that most of its potential customers prefer its products to those of its competitors as a result of the increased features and confidence in the product. Additionally, the pricing strategy of the company’s products has been seen to wage a stiff war against its bitter rivals (Pride and Ferrell 490). After a close scrutiny by the sales agents, the company ascertains that the biggest numbers of its customers are attracted to its products as a result of their reliable nature and quality of output. The limited complains got from the customers’ side and their praise of the products gives the senior management of the company confidence that they are in a position of offering their customers with the value for their money. Although the company’s products have been found to receive varying demand, the company has a strong market share in comparison to its rival companies. Therefore, the management is deliberating on the best w ay of pushing the product to make it perform better against others in the market, owing to the huge market share â€Å"OnTech† enjoys. Therefore, they feel compelled to conclude that they give customers the value for their money. Contemplating on offering promotional prices and discounts, the company seeks to capture more customers through these methods. Additionally, aggressive advertising by the company on the features and advantages of the products is another way â€Å"TifeTech† will close the gap between it and the best performing

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Interracial Marriages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interracial Marriages - Essay Example The US Census Bureau states that in the year 1970, there were 65000 black-white marriages in US. In 2005, this number has increased to 422000. Interracial marriages make less than 10 per cent of the total presently. Being an African-American that was first married to a man from the same race and now, is married to a Caucasian, (Landry) has sufficient experience to make a balanced approach to evaluation of the merits and demerits of interracial marriage. Landry has spent five years with the African American husband who was her college fellow. After divorce, she married the Caucasian husband and has been living with him for four years. When she reflects back upon the two experiences, she realizes that race was never a strong issue. Landry parted ways with her ex-husband because there was communication gap between them and he was disloyal to her. Besides, they had issues related to money. Therefore, when Landry searched for a husband the second time, she placed more emphasis upon his co mmitment towards budget and his tendency to exchange views frequently and maintain loyalty to her in marriage than the race he belonged to. Landry spent twelve years as a single after her divorce. In those years, she spent tome with numerous men from different ethnic origins. Having dated men of different professions and racial backgrounds, Landry reached the conclusion that two people’s resemblance in the level of intelligence, personal interests, aspirations and values were much stronger determinants of their compatibility with each other than race could ever be. Landry has evaluated the potential advantages and disadvantages of interracial marriages in this article. Discussing the pros of interracial marriages, Landry first discusses personal growth. Successful marriage requires the partners to grow together with the passage of time. Marital partners can enhance their growth by sharing with each other and appreciating the challenges arising from their cultural and racial d ifferences. Landry has noticed that her Caucasian husband’s behavior is changed for the better after marrying her. He has started to understand how people of color may feel like strangers in settings where the others don’t look like them. He had a new experience of going to church with an African American wife as a lone white man. Nevertheless, he has started to enjoy the worship services greatly. Now he responds more to his African American friends who tend not to go with him when he invites them to go to places where African Americans are not very likely to be. Such awareness has inculcated in him the need to persuade people into doing things that they would otherwise not do because of their race. Landry and her family had many preconceived notions about the Caucasian people until she and her family had an opportunity to interact with Landry’s husband and his family frequently. Same can be said about Landry’s husband and his family. Before, Landry thoug ht that Caucasian people were insensitive, stern and unaffectionate, but she found her husband’s Irish American family unusually jolly. Landry still has to resist the long cultivated urge to meet them by shaking hands with them that she has been doing all life long. Now Landry disputes with her African American friends for their baseless claims about the Caucasian people. Interracial marriage is a potential means of eliminating the social segregation. With the increased intimacy between Landry’s Caucasian and African American families developed in joint gatherings, every member of the respective families is likely to increase his/her number of friends outside his/her own race. Living together is a better way to end the differences between races than government mandated programs or diversity training. The first con

Monday, August 26, 2019

Factors Influencing Adult, Learning in Technology Based Firm Essay

Factors Influencing Adult, Learning in Technology Based Firm - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that  the teachers or modern practitioners have concluded that there are two different types of teaching methodology, in the andragogic approach; which based on teaching drawn from the experience of the participants and the pedagogic approach. Here the teachings are based completely on the prerogative of the teacher. Studies have proven that in order for an adult to learn, he/she must have the necessary atmosphere. This is necessary because, with the increase in the age, the experiential learning tends to increase, so does the tendency to relate to past happenings of the same vein.  As the study highlights the program tended to put the ideas of adult learning into test and understand the impact and the effect of the same. The program had all the attributes, like modularity, easy approach and peripheral qualities. It was designed for the middle level Managers who had around five to seven years of experience and could base their learning on the expe riences.   At the end of the program, when the evaluation was asked, they gave flowing tributes about various instructors and their way of teaching, a critical evaluation is made to understand the various facets of the program and the cumulative impact on the behavior of the participants.  The structural base of the learning is modular and the learning is self directed, the onus of the learning process lies in the hand of the participants as they principally drive the class.... In the andragogic model, the participant’s views are taken into account (Gadamer et al., 2004). The structural base of the learning is modular and the learning is self directed, the onus of the learning process lies in the hand of the participants as they principally drive the class. There is a high amount of emphasis on setting up the adequate type of physical and psychological climate for the learning to happen. The auxiliary factors would include the proper learning environment, the emphasis on self directed learning. During the course of the program, the students were given the complete freedom to express their ideas and discuss them in the relevant groups (Garvin, 2000). There was a general transfer of the attitudes, values and ideas of the groups. Due to the modularization of the study, it became easier to complete the contents. The relevance on the level of ensuing entertainment is also extremely high, with a lot of the emphasis being laid on making the learning process more enjoyable in nature (Hayes et al., 1998) The students were given a lot of chances to explain their own experiences from the various facets of the personal and professional experience to augment the learning process. Therefore, looking at all the attributes, the methodology that was followed here was andragogic in nature. MODEL OF STUDY AND ITS SUBJECTIVE EVALUATION One of the models that have been used here for the purpose of studying the organizational learning is the pedagogical model. This particular model is basically an unidirectional model with the emphasis being on the delivery of the appropriate learning material and the instructors (teachers) (Tsang, 1997). This is mainly because of the fact that this model is unilaterally

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Lewis and Clarks attitudes toward Native Americans Essay

Lewis and Clarks attitudes toward Native Americans - Essay Example For Jefferson, he required maximizing their time looking for the natural resources and while learning more about the geographic of the American Interiors. Moreover, Jefferson required that they treat the natives America with kindness and establish a good relationship that would culminate to winning over their trust. This was a different tactic from that that the British exploration was using in their quest for American territory. Jefferson, Lewis, and Clark found an established natives in Mandan villages. The native had organized businesses and favorable settlement. For them, they required little effort to create rapport with the population of about 5000 natives. After they have spent the winter in the native’s villages, Clark and Lewis brought a new disease that wiped the entire populations of the natives. They unwittingly wipe away local natives by 1830s. However, except for the interruption of the native by the white disease Lewis and Clark had to achieve most of the things they were required to collect by President Jefferson. They had a wonderful time with a native, and they would feel lonely when they could not find any of Indians to talk to. More than the expectation of Jefferson, Clark, and Lewis were able not only to gather ethnographic data, but they established a relationship that later defined the expansion of Jefferson administration. Jefferson though had instructed Lewis and Clark to relate well with the native had his worst among the natives. He feared that they would end his political careers. His fear is confirmed by his spending on the study of the native to understand them better and offer opinions and recommendation on how to establish a working relationship.5 However, Lewis and Clark had cordial and well intentions to the local natives. For example, Clark argued that the native belonged to the Great Chief of the white people. Jefferson though had instructed Lewis and Clark to relate well with the native had his worst among the natives. He feared that they would end his political careers. His fear is confirmed by his spending on the study of the native to understand them better and offer opinions and recommendation on how to establish a working relationship.However, Lewis and Clark had cordial and well intentions to the local natives. For example, Clark argued that the native belonged to the 'Great chief of the white people.' For them, they did not fear the Native American but saw opportunities in their rich culture and settlements.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Amelie Rorty on The Historicity of Psychological Attitudes Assignment

Amelie Rorty on The Historicity of Psychological Attitudes - Assignment Example Dynamically permeable love is precarious because once it changes the character of a person; their affair may terminate prematurely (Grau, Para. 22). According to Rorty, dynamically permeable love is distinct from constant rigid love in a number of different ways. Constant rigid love is a kind of love that is consistent and does not change due to circumstances two parties. Amidst difficult times, constant rigid love has the potential to prevail and stand the test of time. Although the character of friends may change due many factors such as growing wealthy or one becoming successful, their friendship will always remain unchanged. Even though the attributes that brought the two friends together initially changes, the love for the two parties remains unshaken. Other contributors of the topic such as Nozick and Kraut also came up with similar description for this kind of love. However, Rorty contends that this particular kind of love does not can grow to higher levels and flourish unlike dynamically permeable that has a high potential. Dynamically permeable love seems to enjoy the support of some groups because it considers changes as a means of guaranteeing consistency whereas constant love fails to do so. It accommodates changes in a partner’s traits for the sake of securing the friendship unlike constant love that is very rigid and protects the status quo (Grau, Para 23). In some instances, Rorty comes out supporting constancy of love as the best kind of love which creates confusion about her actual position on these two kinds of love. However, she fails to point out precisely on what entails constant love. Two definitions of constant love by Kraut leave her confused about the composition of constant love. The first views entail constant love, and the undying love that two friends may have despite character changes. The second one describes it as a love that does not undergo via dynamism given that the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Career goals and why am i a good fit for the Smithsonian Internship in Essay

Career goals and why am i a good fit for the Smithsonian Internship in the Public Administration field - Essay Example and weaknesses in such a manner that I am now a mature and practical individual that poses the capabilities to contribute actively to bring some positive change in this globe. I have attained a Baccalaureate Degree in Business Management, and acquiring further academic experience by going for an MPA Degree in Public Administration that has provided me understanding of theoretical structures that are valuable in the business market. However, it is very important that an individual should continue the learning experience in order to become successful in this competitive globe. For this purpose, internship in residence at your reputable Smithsonian will enable me to acquire skills that will be effective in accomplishing my goals and objectives of obtaining excellent career opportunities in the field. Besides acquisition of academic knowledge, I have been associated with various professional institutions that have added adequate practical learning that will allow me to perform productively at Smithsonian Institute. During such experience, I worked as an Associate Account Executive at Vault Career Services that included dealing and managing clients through internet and telephone. I also got the opportunity to work as a Branch Sales Associate during which I had the responsibility of managing clients’ mortgage and loan applications that allowed me to understand customers while ensuring their satisfaction and retention. I have carried out extensive research regarding your institution, and have attained reverence for the excellent program that offers undergraduate and graduate students from the minority groups with the opportunity of acquiring management experience in the field. Such diversity and excellence of the program is the major reason of my interest in your reputable institution for acquiring further experience in the management field. In addition, I extremely respect the profession, as it is an observation that it is playing a powerful role in so many lives,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Computer Library System Essay Example for Free

Computer Library System Essay The library is a bunch of sources, resources, and services, and structured in which it is housed, it is organized for its use and maintained by a public body, an institution or public individual. In the more traditional sense, a Library is a collection of books. It can mean the collection, the building or room that houses the collection, or both. The term â€Å"library† has itself acquired secondary meaning a collection of useful materials for library informs their users of what the materials are available in and how to access that information. Before the computer age, This was accomplished by card catalog. A cabinet filled with index cards, that identify books and other materials. In the large library, the large card catalog often filled large rooms. The emergence of the internet, however, has led to the collection of electronic catalog database (often referred to a â€Å"web cats† or as online public access catalog) which allows users to search the library holding from any location with internet access this style of catalog maintenance is compatible with new types of librarian, such as digital libraries and distributed library as well as older librarian that have been retrofired.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Case study 2-2 Essay Example for Free

Case study 2-2 Essay Case Project 2-2 I would determine whether an investigation is required for this type of situation. I would make am initial assessment about the case that I will be investigating. Meanwhile, determining the type a design of approach for this particular case. I would then estimate the time of each step, when the check was issued and as the amount. I would ask Jonathan to interview the other individual who has access to the company’s accounting program. I would review the company computer as well as the accounting program and see if there are any significant documents; which would including the company checkbook and ledger, as well as contact the bank for the most current bank statement. Any type of information pertaining or related to that particular check, which was issued during that time. However, if cleared, then further investigation has to be done. I would examine that employee’s email for anything suspicious as well as surveillance cameras within that office. I would also study the suspects work habits as well. I would ask Jonathan to locate and itemized any details of the subcontractor’s job amounting to $10,750 and the facts of the check for the amount $12,750. I would try to find the facts of the $2,000 difference, if available by comparing bank statements, and the accounting program. I will inform him to be very watchful of any relevant information that may eventually be evidence in this type of criminal case, which could be employee theft or embezzlement. If this other person beside Jonathan is involved in this crime and not being an  accounting error, has taken place, I would recommend Jonathan to allow me to further my investigation with this company.

Procter Gamble P And G Marketing Essay

Procter Gamble P And G Marketing Essay Procter and Gamble (PG) was formed by William Procter a candle maker and James Gamble a soap marker on the 31st of October 1837. It is an American multination consumer good manufacture and one of the largest in the world. It has its headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio USA and manufactures products ranging from beauty and grooming, pet food and household and fabric care, baby and family home care products. Between 1858 and 1859, PG had about 80 staffs and their sales reached $1million. It won several contacts from the Union Army during the American Civil War to supply candles and soap. Apart from the profit it made during the civil war, it expanded it market by introducing military personals all over the country to PG products. Operation and brands In recent years, PG and become an international corporation be acquiring different companies. PG became an international corporation in 1930 after the acquisition of Thomas Hedley Co based in England. It introduces several new brand names and products like Tide detergent in 1946, Prell Shampoo in 1946 and the first tooth paste to contain fluoride branded Crest in 1955. PG purchased Charmin paper mill in 1957 and started marking products paper products like toilet rolls (Charming). Procter and Gamble operates in about 80 countries and is well known in about 180 countries. It has 50 brands which most of them are well-known products. These brands amounts more than 90% of PGs sales and profit. 26 of its leadership brands produces more than a $1billon each in net annual sales. (PG, 2012). Some of PGs strongest brands includes Always, Ariel detergent, Bounty, Charmin, Crest, Downy, Gillete, Lams, Olay, Pampers, Pantene, and Tide. It used to produce food and beverage products prior to the sales of Pringles to Kellogg Company for $2.7 billion in 2012. Pringles was one of PGs major revenue driver with a sales of about $1.5 billion yearly. It was the only food business after the sales of Jif peanut butter and Folgers coffee to Smuckers in recent years. PG is no longer in the food business, it is laying more focus on personal care and beauty products. (Reuters, 2012) Manufacturing Operation PG manufacturing operation spread around 5 different regions. (PG, 2012) Regions Details Regional Headquarter Countries Asia The world faster growing economy and home to over 3 billion customers Singapore China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, India, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Bangladesh Central Eastern Europe, Middle East And Africa (CEEMEA). PGs largest Geographic regions. Geneva, Switzerland The Balkans, Central Europe North, Central Europe South, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Sub Sahara, Turkey/Caucasia And Central Asian Republic. Latin America With presence dated back to 60 years. Panama City 14 Countries North America Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Over 25 manufacturing plants Western Europe With presence dated back to 1930. PG has presence in ever western European country. Geneva, Switzerland 4 Countries. United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany and Italy Procter Gamble recorded a sales of $83.68 billion in 2012 and was listed on the spot of Global Top Companies for leaders in Fortune Magazine. It is also at fifth place of the Worlds Most Admired Companies list and named the overall best company for leadership development on the list of the 2012s 40 Best Companies for Leaders by Chief Executive Magazine. It has also received several awards which includes the Worlds Most Admired Companies and Top MBA Employers from Fortune, Worlds Most Respected Companies from Barrons, Best Place to Work from, and The Worlds Most Attractive Employers from Universum. (PG, 2013). Case Study Overview. In recent Years, PG has been us The environment is everything happening in the world outside that There are numerous factors that affects the decisions of managers of a company. Examples of macro environments are new laws and government policies, trade barriers, tax changes, social changes. To help examine these factors, I would be using the most popular external environment analysing model known as PESTEL which stand for political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal and ecological environment (thus the acronym PESTEL). This coursework will focus on the macro (external) and micro (internal) environments that have major impacts on Procter and Gamble. A PESTEL analysis on PG will be done to the macro environment. Analyse the macro business environment in respect of PG group and identify the factors that will have significant impact on Groups business. The success of any company does not reply only on the efficiency and management methods of the company. There are other factors involved the market performance. The macro environment contains the external and uncontainable influence that might affect the market performance, strategies and decision making of the company. As Baines (2011) describe: The operating environment for all organisations is never static and seldom entirely predictable, and can therefore profoundly affect a companys course of action. Strategic management experts stated that for a company to achieve a competitive advantage, its needs to follow strategies that develops existing capabilities, resources and formulate strategies that develops extra capabilities, resources. (Hill Jones, 2010) PESTLE Analysis All combined the macro environment factors analysis will be known as PESTEL. Macro environment factors are beyond the control of an organization. This is because those factors are    positioned outside the organisational system. Those forces are the prime factors in corporate strategization i.e. determining the objectives of an organisation, its drive for profits, its projection for future sales as well as a protection step in preventing any losses or problems. According to Lowe and Marriott (2006,p. 181),macro factors are the major trends Strengths Verities of business segments (6 operating segments). One of PGs major strength is the large scale on which it operates. It produces over 300 different product and leading globally in different categories of products like beauty and health, fabric, baby, personal and home care products sold in about 180 counties in the world. PG strong brand man is one of the most successful due to its solid branding. Most of PGs products are not for all seasons Leading globally in detergent, diapers, care products. Has industry experience of over 170-year, international operations for over 25 years and extensive experience in personal and oral hygiene products. PG is one of the world best marketers has it has a wide experience in marketing in different market sectors. The acquisitions of leading of beauty and health care companies in the products in Europe. High gross profit margin. PGs profit margin is 15 times the industry average. P G is known for investing greatly in research and development for improving and developing new products. Weaknesses Ability to achieve business objectives dependent on how well can respond to local and global competitors Face risks with significant international operations A failure of a key information technology system, process or site could have a material adverse impact on our business Price paid for commodities and other materials subject to fluctuation 7 Production cost Production capacity for the demand on the first years. Leads times for alternative pack sizes and designs. Work capacity. Different culture, wants and needs of customers. Unable to protect imitation PGs innovative products and marketing strategies of competition Competitors had pre-empted them in national markets where the local subsidiary was constrained by budget or organizational limitations. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Many of the top brands of P G are losing their market share rapidly. In online media leadership and presence P G is lagging behind. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The beauty and health products by P G are mostly for women. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ P G does not make and offer any private label products for the retail customers and is, missing an opportunity. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The large scale operation of the company makes the culture heavy and processes slow. This also leads to quality control problems. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ P G does not divest its weak or poor brands. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The major customers of P G are located at some of the places and it concentrates heavily as them. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ When P G acquired Clairol business in year 2001, it was unable to grow this business. The Clairol Herbal Essence brand failed to enter new markets as the market had access to better and innovative products. This shows weakness of P G in the beauty care division. Opportunities  · Research and development efforts ($2001 million spent on RD in 2011) to develop technology and obtain patents  · Worldwide reach and potential to expand into even more countries The growth of the shampoo and conditioner market. The increase of hair washing products. The undeveloped conditioner market in Europe. The experience and the leader positioning of the new companies that PG bought. The Know-how of the success of Pert Plus in the US market à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ An opportunity for P G is health and beauty products for men. With the acquisition of Gillette, the company now has several growth opportunities in this market segment. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ P G has doubled its Environmental Goals for the year 2012 and thus, promises more value for the environment concerned customers today. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Using the online social networks and internet marketing techniques is also an opportunity for P G. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Divest brands that are not in accordance or do not meet P Gs long-term goals à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Company is constantly trying to pursue growth overseas. Threats  · A material change in consumer demand for products could have a significant impact on business  · Business is subject to legislation, regulation, and enforcement in the U.S. and abroad The number of suppliers and brands, the European market was even more crowed as US. The top and bottom price classes was even bigger than the US. Difference between prices for the same quality. Many important competitors. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There is a cut throat competition in the fast moving consumers goods markets today. Companies like Kimberly Clark, Unilever, Johnsons Johnsons and Colgate-Palmolive etc pose a serious threat to itsmarket share in different countries. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The competitors are making their product portfolios diverse day b day and using different marketing and promotional strategies to increase their market share. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ In the market many substitutes are available for P G products at cheaper prices. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The private label growth is also a serious threat to the P Gs market share. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Due to recession, the consumer spending has decreased globally. Also, the prices for raw materials are increasing so cost to the company is increasing

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

We Are What We Know :: Culture Death Cultural Essays

We Are What We Know " I screamed incoherently from fear and frustration regarding my predicament," (Arthur 5), when suddenly the word death became morbid reality. Death is a disgusting, sad word that strikes people when least expected. When my grandmother passed on to eternity a few days ago, I realized that one of the four links I had to my cultural background was gone. Despite one of the links being severed, my cultural beliefs, knowledge and lineage is clear and important to me. Although she is gone now, she has taught me, and left me with the knowledge of who I am. Through the constant celebration of cultural customs, I am well acquainted with my heritage and identity. One could only imagine a more beautiful place than the one my family and I come from. With continual blue skies and golden grain growing further than a human eye can see, Ukraine is known as the breadbasket of Europe. It stretches from the Carpathian Mountains on the west to the Caucasus Mountains on the east, just north of the Black Sea. Through out history many Europeans and Asians have invaded Ukraine. They wanted to control its rich farmland and mineral resources. Ukraine has withstood border disputes with other surrounding Slavic countries. Since 1700, the Ukrainians belonged to czarist Russia, and western Ukraine lay in the Austrian Empire. In 1917, czarist Russia fell and Ukrainian tried to set up their own nation. During World War I, Ukraine became the battleground for the Poles who together fought the Bolsheviks. Ukraine also was the battleground for World War II, with Ukraine falling into the hands of Soviet control. It was during that time that my grandparents and great gr andparents were forced to leave everything behind and flee their burning homes and villages with only their clothes on their backs. Landing up in a Displaced Persons Camp in Germany in 1949, they settled there with others Ukrainian families awaiting host families to sponsor their journey to America, the home of the free. They may have had only few possessions with them, but when our family landed at a Mennonite farm in Ohio, they brought with them their ethnic heritage, culture, identity. America was a land that accepted all ethnic people, giving the immigrants the opportunity to make a better life. My grandfather, who was the studious one, was not much help on the farm.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Isaac Newton :: Biography, Science

Isaac Newton was a brilliant scientist who discovered many important things. The sources for this report are Encyclopedia" and the book "Isaac Newton: The Greatest Scientist of All Time" by Margaret Jean Anderson. Sir Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642 (according to the Julian calendar which was in use then; the date was January 4, 1643, according to the Gregorian calendar in use today), at Woolsthorpe, near Grantham in Lincolnshire. His widowed mother remarried when he was three years old, leaving him in care of his feeble grandmother. Eventually his mother was persuaded to send him to grammar school in Grantham. Later, in the summer of 1661, he was sent to Trinity College, at the University of Cambridge. Isaac Newton received his bachelor's degree in 1665. After an intermission of nearly two years he returned to Trinity College, which elected him to a fellowship in 1667. Isaac Newton received his master's degree in 1668. Newton ignored much of the established curriculum of the university to pursue his own interests: mathematics and natural philosophy. Proceeding entirely on his own, he investigated the latest developments in mathematics and the new natural philosophy that treated nature as a complicated machine. Almost immediately, he made fundamental discoveries that were instrumental in his career in science. Sir Isaac Newton, the English mathematician and physicist, is considered to be one of the greatest scientists in history. He made important contributions to many fields of science. His discoveries and theories laid the foundation for much of the progress in science and math since his

Sunday, August 18, 2019

How Inclusion Came to Be :: essays papers

How Inclusion Came to Be When children have a learning disability there are two different ways for them to be taught. One is an out of the classroom approach where children with disabilities receive extra help with a specialist separate from the regular classroom. There are also schools that only have children that are disabled and cater to only the different needs of a child with a disability. In the approach where children with disabilities are separated from non-disabled children, the child spends half the day in the mainstream classroom and half of the day separated and excluded from the mainstream classroom (Odom 2002). As a result of this approach schools did not have the appropriate funding for the extra teachers needed to provide a separate learning classroom. This problem leads to public schools denying children with disabilities access to the facilities that are offered in a regular classroom, hence segregating the children with disabilities from the mainstream children (Lewis, 1999). In 1975 the Education for all Handicapped Children’s Act (later renamed Individuals with Disabilities Education Act abbreviated IDEA) was passed in reaction the problem of students being segregated. This act was written to make sure that all handicapped children would have access to free education including special education. The law emphasizes that children with disabilities be educated with non-disabled children (Daniel 1997). The act gave parents the right to choose how their disabled child will be educated whether it be a pull out program or and inclusive program with non-disabled children (Become 2003). This act gave way to inclusion, which is the second approach to educating children with disabilities. Inclusion is the "integration of a disabled student in a regular classroom with the necessary aids and services" (Daniel 1997). Student Views on Inclusion Since inclusion started there has been controversy on whether or not inclusion helps the children more than the pull-out program. There have been many different experiments that have studied the effects of student’s performances in inclusion programs and in pull out programs. In one specific study done in Iowa by the Council for Exceptional Children, students with a specific learning disability were sent to two different middle schools to participate in an 8th grade classroom. The two schools differed in only one way, and that was one was an inclusive school, the Enterprise, and one was a regular mainstream school, the Voyager.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Most Memorable Event in My Life

According to my experience, the most memorable event in my life was realizing the significance of being honest. At the age of sixteen, I was not only stubborn but also naive. I always thought that I was a perfect girl who would never have any fault. Those attitudes caused some negative consequences, such as ignoring people's suggestions, or being harsh to realize how foolish I was. I was an exchange student at Japan when I was sixteen years old. At the beginning of exchanging experience, I felt curious and excited to be in a totally new environment.People around me spoke different languages, and majority of them had different culture and background from mine. Initially I did feel pleased to talk about my culture with new friends, but those feeling didn't last long. After few days, I suddenly felt exhausted and embarrassed at Japan. I didn't understand the class, and I couldn't even ask questions. The main difficulty was expressing my ideas in understandable ways. Later, I found the t extbook in Chinese version to catch up class materials.Unfortunately, the teacher announced that the quiz would come shortly. At that moment, I was not only lost but also scared. I tried my best not to be behind, but ability of learning independently disappointed me a lot. There were misunderstanding of basic principles and concepts existed when I was studying. However, no one could help me to understand better. At the quiz day, the whole class seemed confident except me. During the quiz time, I cheated at my neighbor’s paper when she went to washroom and exam proctors caught me.After the quiz, my counselor was shock when she knew what happened. I received the punishment from school with one-week volunteer time. At the same time, my best friend advised me to apologize to my counselor because she trusted so much. After several days, my counselor finally talked and taught me the importance of being honest in life. After long time, I still remember this experience. This made me recognize that people were not perfect, but you could make little progress every day to get closer to being perfect.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Social media and the elderly

There is much research which indicates that social media makes it easier to interact with there people, to find people with similar interests, and to keep in touch with those whom one already knows. However, there is nearly just as much research which indicates the opposite -? that social media serves to disconnect one from one's friends, that it creates social isolation, and that it causes superficial interactions. Adding to the difficulties in reaching a clear conclusion about this matter is the fact that many, if not most of the studies about the effects of social media on friendships and social interactions have been done on the young.Even for studies about the young, it is not entirely retain if a broader social network encourages adoption of social media, or if adoption of social media encourages a broader social network. Judging from what is known about other differences between older people and young people, it is quite likely that the ways in which they use social media will also significantly differ. Among other things, it is known that older people are usually later adopters of technology than are young people. Other things are known about social media usage regardless Of age.In particular, social media has a very different effect on one's local social networks than it does on those at a regional or national level. Social Media A number of different researchers have found contradictory results about the effects of social media usage on older people. For instance, some studies have found that using Faceable increases weak social ties at the expense of stronger ties, while other studies have found that that does not occur. The studies which found no effect also found a relationship between the quality of in-person friendships and the use of instant messaging on social networking sites.Additionally, other differences were seen among users of social media. For instance, for those adopters of social networking who had high social irises, their number of f riends increased faster than did the number of friends of those who had smaller social circles. Users of social networking sites were also less likely to ask their neighbors for help Social Networking and Mental Health In Older Adults Up to this point, there have not been very many studies of how use of social networking effects the mental and emotional health of older adults.A number of studies have found that large circles of friends is strongly associated with increased cognitive performance in older adults, while depression is strongly connected to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Because of this, there is a good possibility that using social networking can stave off depression because it can give people a greater number of social contacts. There is also some evidence that the use of social networking can help older adults to improve their cognitive performance and overall quality of life. This is because social networking increases social capital.Other studies have confirm ed this and found that social networking in itself does not have any positive or negative effect on older adults. Rather, the way in which social networking is used plays a strong role in determining what effect it will have n an older person's quality of life – some people use social networking as a way to compensate for otherwise-inadequate networks of friends, while other people use it to actively keep in touch with people they know. Making Social Networking Accessible One of the areas which the above studies have neglected is accessibility.Older people often suffer from poorer vision and other problems. Many, if not most, social media websites are designed for young and middle-aged adults. These designs are often not conducive to older people gaining as much as possible from their use of these sites. Chaos, Lair and Lie conducted a duty of how social networking can be made more accessible to older people. They found that many of these sites had been designed without older people in mind and thus did not incorporate several design principles that they found to be important.These principles included using contrasting colors, making sure that interfaces were relatively simple and intuitive, and excluding extraneous information whenever possible. They found, that if these design principles were followed, then it is likely that the satisfaction which elderly people gain from using these sites would increase significantly. Conclusion Currently, there is no consensus on how social media affects the elderly. However, there is a lot of data that suggests two possible conclusions. The first possible conclusion is that using social media either has no effect on older adults or a very mild negative effect.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Home Is Where the Heart Is

Growing up in foster care kids never grow to understand the phrase, â€Å"Home is where the heart is. † This phrase isn’t making reference to a house or a tangible item in your life. An emotional connection you have with someone or something is what I believe home represents. The feeling of being secure, knowing you’ll be taken care of no mater what you say or do, and always feeling like your loved and wanted. Hundreds of kids have grown accustomed to the feeling of hopelessness and loneliness. Kids have grown accustomed to feeling like they don’t belong anywhere; I was once one of those kids. I remember the bone-chilling feeling of seeing the black almost hearse-like car coming to take me away from the only place I was familiar with. I remember the feeling of confusion, the feeling of sorrow, and the feeling of anger. I remember getting into the car and smelling the old, damp, mildewed scent of previous the rider’s tears. The tears I had grown so accustomed to. I remembered how I wished to scream and squeal, like the brakes, when the car stopped at my new quarters. I remember telling myself, â€Å"Don’t get comfortable Josh, because you won’t be here long, right? I’ll be home soon. Right? † I remember the feeling of being abandoned, the feeling of being unwanted, feeling just plain alone. Throughout my years as a foster child and adolescent, I moved in and out of countless houses, met and said goodbye to countless families, friends, and teachers. I remember the Bensons; they took me in when I was seven. I had already been moved around eight times. The first thing they said to me was, â€Å"It’ll be okay, you don’t have to worry anymore, you’ll be here for a long time. The weight of uncertainty lifting off your shoulders is a good feeling; in fact, it could be the best. Being able to take off your shoes, plunge down on the couch, and say hello to someone who says hello back. Having the ability to look someone in the eyes and, not only feel, but here, â€Å"I love you. † Home to me is all of those things tied together and put in my back pocket, saved for a rainy day. I grew comfortable and unworried the two years I didn’t have to pack around any extra weight with me. It was presentation day, in my third grade class. For my presentation I chose an animal, the cheetah. Did you know that a family of cheetahs will stay together until the babies are all grown up, and will support each other? † I gave my presentation and was feeling good about it. I was chosen to hold our class pet, the gerbil, he was brown and smelled almost exactly like an old crusty sock, I was overtaken by the joy of his warm pulsing body. My class and I were sitting in a circle around my teacher, listening to our daily reading of the second Harry Potter, when the door opened and the sound of my teachers voice was cut short of telling us what happened next. Two gloomy adults came in, a man and a woman. The man was tall, dressed in nice black slacks and a black sports jacket, the woman was short, dressed in black dress pants and a red sweater which had thirteen black buttons straight down the front. My teacher excused herself and met them at the front of the class. My friend and I started laughing at the gerbil; he was doing summersaults on my lap and almost fell off. â€Å"Josh,† my teacher called my name, â€Å"Come up here please,† I gave the gerbil to my friend and went to the front of the class. As I was walking to the front of the class, I noticed my teacher’s eyes; they seemed to be turning a glossy color, almost like two wet marbles shimmering in the bright sun. The two people dressed in black were smiling down at me with blank expressionless looks on there faces and said â€Å"hello. † Their words were cold and harsh. I noticed a sharp fast glare, almost like needles, injected from my teacher to the two people dressed in black. My teacher knelt down to my level so we were both eye to eye. She stared at me with her big marbles and said, â€Å"Josh, these people are going to take you out to lunch. You need to go with them, OK Josh. † My teacher’s eyes were getting wetter, â€Å"You need to be a big boy, OK Josh. You be a big boy now. † Before I knew it, she had engulfed me into her chest, wrapped me neatly into her arms, and covered my head with her chin. Warmth and love surged through my body as if I was hit by a bolt of lightning cupid had mistaken for an arrow. I felt a warm drop of water hit my head. â€Å"OK Josh, it is time to go,† said the large man dressed in black. I felt his cold hand grab my shoulder, abruptly stopping the lightning from continuing through my body, forcing it out of me. My teacher released me, stood back to her full height, and pricked them agin with her needle. The woman dressed in black took my hand; her hand felt like an ice cube, cold and damp. The man and woman led me away from my teacher, away from my friends, away from my security, away from my love, away from my peace. As soon as I got into the lifeless car, all of the lost feelings returned to me at once. â€Å"It’s happened again. What’s wrong this time? Was it me? Maybe I can take whatever I did back and say I’m sorry? † â€Å"Josh, we’re taking you to another house. An enormous weight hit my chest; I couldn’t breathe, I felt my eyes swelling, my nose began to run. A salty liquid hit my mouth again and again, my memories flooding out, like millions of bees swarming and stinging after their homes have been breached by smoke, engulfing me. Just as I had felt for years and years kids are still felling today. Kids still feel unwanted and unloved, kids still don’t have the consistency and trust they need to become who they are and construct their home, and kids still have the lay their head down every night and wonder if the pillow their laying on will be the same tomorrow night. Kids in foster care may have a house but they don’t have anyone they can make a home with. People in the foster system are so concerned with is putting kids in houses (not saying that this is a bad thing), but they should focus more on the home. Instead of being full of emptiness the kid’s homes that they create, should be full of trust and security, truthfulness and consistency, laughter and love.

Militant Nonviolence Essay

Erik Erikson, the world-renowned author of the book Gandhi’s truth has also been popular because of his stages of psychosocial development (Niolon, 2007) . The said stages are enumerated in this manner: Infancy (Birth – 18 months) wherein the main psychosocial crisis is trust vs. mistrust, Toddler (1 1/2 – 3 years) which usually involves autonomy vs. shame & doubt, Play Age (3-6 years), usually involving the psychosocial crisis of initiative vs. guilt, school age (7-12 years), which often related to industry vs. inferiority, adolescence (12-19 years), identity vs. role confusion, young adulthood (20-34 years old), intimacy vs. isolation, adulthood (35-60 years), generativity vs. stagnation, and finally, late adulthood (60 years and above that is usually associated with the psychosocial crisis integrity vs. despair (Niolon, 2007) . This paper shall look into the book authored by the same person, entitled Gandhi’s truth, a book that has been said to be the acclaimed study of Mahatma Gandhi, taking the psychoanalytic theory developed by its author into consideration. This non-fictional literary work shall be analyzed based on the theory developed by the same psychoanalyst together with the discussions obtained from the book Development and Aging by Papalia, Sterns, Feldman and Camp, including topics such as health and aging, intelligence and its measurements, creativity, mature thought, wisdom and moral intelligences; education, work and leisure, etc. It has been a known fact that humans face their decline when they reach a certain age. It is often heard from different people that this kind of decline happens as most people are not as productive as they were once was in their childhood or early adulthood. This is also most prevalent in most senior citizens (Godrej, 2002). Apparently, for most studies, development stops at a certain stage . On the contrary, Erikson’s theory disproves the fact that development stops. In fact, it continues throughout the life cycle. According to the psychoanalyst and author of the very popular book, older people are not finished developing. Older people are said to come up to terms with their own morality, making them look deeper into their while lives. More often than not, they look back to the good times with gladness, at their hard times with self –respect, and finally, look at their mistakes and regrets with forgiveness (Lasch, 1969) . It is doing so that they rediscover integrity as they get ready for whatever challenges that life and death could bring upon them. On the other hand, those who remain isolated to the hurts and sadness that their life brought to them, shall be dissatisfied with the life that they have led and would easily get depressed. These are the concepts being described by Erik Erikson in his stages of psychosocial development. He has reflected these said concepts onto the life of Mohandas Gandhi, more popularly known as Mahatma or the great soul, the father of the Indian Nation. Almost everyone on the face of this planet has heard about the contributions of one of the humans who has been said to lead a great life to the history of India and the whole world (Anderson, n. d. ). He was generally known, as mentioned, as the father of the Indian nation who continuously fought for the independence of his nation from the British colonizers, despite the consequences he faced, despite his old age. Erikson’s Gandhi’s truth is generally a psychological reconstruction of Gandhi’s early years in Kathiawar on the Arabian Sea as well as his exile in London and South Africa. In the same manner, it provided an in depth analysis of the 1918 textile workers’ strike in Ahmedabad where Gandhi was first seen to practice his doctrine of Satyagraha or non violence (Lasch, 1969) . Erikson looked into the other aspects of this great man’s life that influenced his adoption of Satyagraha. The said author looked into the precocious and relentless conscience of the great soul by looking onto these said events which included the way Gandhi nursed his father, the civil servant whose career and health declined during his son’s youth, which helped him, set the pattern for a leadership that could defeat a superior opponent nonviolently (Lasch, 1969). Gandhi’s unsuccessful and premature marriage’s effect on his adoption of Satyagraha was also examined. Generally, this unsuccessful marriage of his left him in horror of his sexuality (Anderson, n. d. ). At the same time, it encouraged him to develop the religious and spiritual aspect of his life that played a very important role in his battle for the independence of his beloved country (Lasch, 1969). Of course, this has been the reason why Mahatma Gandhi started his quest for sainthood which had taken a political form. Gandhi’s leadership in the said textile strike has also been reexamined. It is where Erikson focused his study on the life of the great soul, in relation to that of his developed theory (Anderson, n. d. ). According to the said author, this has been one of the most unusual exercises in nonviolence though it led to the victory of Mahatma and the textile workers. This does not only reflect Mahatma Gandhi’s doctrine of nonviolence but his faithfulness to dharma (Lasch, 1969) . Aside from the religious life led by Mohandas K. Gandhi, more popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi, his spatial intelligence and creativity should be reconsidered. These two has contributed so much to his doctrine as he was able to devise ways, using his intelligence as a wise man in devising ways to battle their colonizers (Lasch, 1969). Generally, his spatial intelligence allowed Gandhi a better and quicker ways of correcting mistakes than other forms of political action. Gandhi’s doctrine aims to cure men of their righteous and fanatic moralism that has been said to be the cause of violence that are quite irrational (Anderson, n. d. ). It is obviously seen that Gandhi’s actions as an aged man has not declined due to the challenges he experienced during his childhood and young adulthood (Chawla, 2001). In the same manner, his doctrine of non-violence or Satyagraha has not only been affected by his deteriorating health but of his beliefs, religiousness and faithfulness to dharma that has contributed so much in his fight for the freedom of his motherland, India, the land which had been infamously known for its division brought about by differences in religion (Anderson, n. d. ). Basically, the analysis of this book, together with the psychoanalytical theory developed by Erik Erikson, has provided the psychological foundations of what has been known all over the world as great leadership and non-violence. It showed how Gandhi’s previous experiences affected his life as an aged man. As Erikson suggest, the spirit that Gandhi had ever since his childhood has influenced standardization (Anderson, n. d. ). Every individual is then encouraged to follow his own path, a path that is based on his insights with regard to the realities of the world that he is living in as well as the realities by which he or she knows his or her own self. If this perceptions turn out to be true, then the path he has taken shall be the path of truth. This is what the life of Gandhi, based on Erikson’s book showed us. His perceptions that have been developed and continuously developing throughout his own life has influenced the development of a doctrine and philosophy that has gained him the title of a great soul (Chawla, 2001) . It is through this that he was able to influence not just his countrymen but the whole world as well. Eventually, looking into the brighter side of life can do so much good to a person who is in the last stage of his psychosocial development. In Gandhi’s case, he did not allow his weaknesses to serve as barriers in his fight, instead, he utilized them in such a way that his opponents looked onto it as his strengths (Anderson, n.d. ). References Anderson, H. (1971. ) Gandhi’s Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence. Theology Today. Vol 28. No. 2 Retrieved December 18, 2007 from http://theologytoday. ptsem. edu/jul1971/v28-2-bookreview10. htm Chawla, A. (2001). MOVING BEYOND GANDHI’S TRUTH. Retrieved December 18, 2007 from http://www. samarthbharat. com/truth. htm ERIKSON’S THEORY OF PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (2007). Retrieved December 18, 2007 from http://www. fractaldomains. com/devpsych/erikson. htm Erikson, E. (1969). Gandhi’s Truth. Journal of Religion and Health. Volume 9, Number 3. Godrej. F. (2002). Gandhi’s Truth: Nonviolence as Epistemological Arbiter. Retrieved December 18, 2007 from Lasch, C. (1969). One Man’s Quest for Sainthood and the Revolutionary Philosophy to Which It Led. Retrieved December 18, 2007 from http:// www. nytimes. com/books/99/08/22/specials/erikson-gandhi. html Niolon, R. (2007) Erickon’s Psychosocial Stages of Development. Retrieved December 18, 2007 from http://www. psychpage. com/learning/library/person/erikson. html

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Analyzing The Micro Business Environment For Tesco Marketing Essay

Analyzing The Micro Business Environment For Tesco Marketing Essay My organisation for this assignment is â€Å"Tesco†. It is leading food and grocery retailers on the planet. The aim of this essay is to analysing the micro business environment, Identify the core resources and competences of the organisation, Evaluate the organisation’s strategic choices and justification of the strategy of the company. I have used Strategic evaluation tools such as PESTEL, SWOT and others. Tesco is among the biggest food retailers in the world with returns in surplus of  £54 billion in 2009 and over 470,000 workers. It has 4,331 stores in 14 countries.   The company’s Head Office is based in Hertfordshire, UK and operates mainly in the USA, Europe and Asia( ). PESTEL Analysis (J. L. Fowle, September ,1993), analyses the vibrant and erratic environment in which company operates by classifying the forces that have the most influence on its performance, Influences Company has, to achieve strategically success. Porter’s Five forces can also be used to analysis competitive environment. However these forces becomes interrelated at some times. And its Tesco’s vision to expand globally, encouraged me to use PESTEL forces analysis rather than any other model. Political decision has always been at watch by companies like Tesco. China is one of the world most profitable market, worth over 1.3 billon, Now it has open it door for world and encouraging Western companies. Tesco has managed to signed agreement in 2009 to set up thought-out series of joint ventures for development of shopping malls in i.e. Anshan, Fushun and Qinhuangdao( ).By end of 2010 18 more hypermarkets are expected to open in China( ).   Such rises of Tesco’s international business segment are predicted to account the company’s profit for one quarter. In 2004 immersion of 10 further countries into the EU took place, encouraging trade between Western and Eastern Europ ean countries( ).Helped Company to enter into new market, and increase its market share across Europe. Economic forces are of great concern to any company as they impact directly on the buying behaviour of its customers. The UK economy was officially declared under recession in 2008, the government’s was successful in minimising the rises in unemployment by considerable reduction in interest rates during 2009 ( ). This has given rise in spending power of English people,but both sales value and margins are effected as consumers are not or less likely to divert their spending on more of premium or high value goods. According Maslow hierarchy of need consumers would be at top of Basic need. ( But retailers like Tesco would still be benefited, as their low price strategy would encourage its customers to shop from Stores and cook and dine home rather than spending more on restaurants( ).   As we all know that food is the last thing that customers will sacrifices .   The percentage of overall consumer spending on food has risen over the years. Social forces are quite obvious as Man is Social Animal. An analysis has proven that the UK has the Baby Boom generation and latest medical facility by NHS Trust has reduced the death rate too( ).This means that more retired people eats less and less spending power. It’s not expected of them to travel to supermarket for shopping and at the age of 65 internet literacy level go down, But it is still assumed that online shopping is and would be the only convenient way of shopping for older age people.   The ageing population is discouraging for the food retailers older people tend to eat less. Company still have to bear in mind the ineffective and expensive small deliveries. However taste and preferences of consumers should always bear in mind when strategies are framed. As mentioned on Economica l forces, high value goods would be avoided but the standard of leaving would have great influence.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Globalization Enhances the Influence of the Multinational Corporations Essay

Globalization Enhances the Influence of the Multinational Corporations - Essay Example Globalization is detrimental to the health of the residents, culture and environmental safety of the developing countries. Moreover, a greater opportunity for economic exploitation is provided to the multinational corporations by the process of globalization. The third or developing world is exploited by these entities to a major extent. The preference for undeveloped regions is due to the fact that environmental and other laws can be circumvented easily (Smith and Doyle).   Another, benefit that the developed world enjoys in such regions is that it can impose its culture, lifestyle and other characteristics of its society.  In addition, the environment of a third world country where a multinational corporation commences operations undergoes significant damage. However, such damage is ignored by these countries, because of the substantial wealth that flows into the country. Globalization induces the multinational corporations to foray into nation after nation of the third world. These initiatives are prompted by the search for cheap labor and resources. In addition, to exploiting the resources and manpower of these countries, the multinationals interfere and influence the policies of the country   (Smith and Doyle). Thus, a congenial atmosphere for exploitation by these corporations is ensured.It should be clearly borne in mind that the power of the multinational corporations is ubiquitous, and they wield vast influence over the international bodies, such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the European Union.

Monday, August 12, 2019

WalMart's profile of computing and network infrastructure Essay

WalMart's profile of computing and network infrastructure - Essay Example So our ties to Bentonville, Ark. - where Sam Walton opened the first store that bore the Walton name and where Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., is still based - give us our foundation. Another goal - providing easy access to more Wal-Mart - is evident in the more than 1,000,000 products available online and in the innovative businesses that continues to develop, such as Music Downloads and 1-Hour Photos, which gives customers the convenience of ordering products online and picking them up at a local Wal-Mart. In short, is passionate about combining the best of two great worlds - technology and world-class retailing - to give customers a wide assortment of their favorite products, Every Day Low Prices, guaranteed satisfaction, friendly service, convenient hours (24 hours, 7 days a week) and a great online shopping experience. According to Mark Schmidt, senior director for information services at Wal-Mart, the installation of NCR System 3000 processors -- which began last month in the Springfield, Mo., stores -- is the second phase of a systems upgrade at the chain that began in August 1990 with the installation of Hewlett-Packard's HP 9000 Model 375 system. The retailer chose to purchase both systems so that "we have two vendor partners to bank on," said Schmidt. Approximately 800 of Wal-Mart's stores will use the HP system and the other 800 will use the NCR system. Both models are open-system computers and both use the UNIX operating system, allowing intercommunications and compatibility. "We can take data tapes from one to the other if we had to," Schmidt added. Tony Fano, vice president of NCR Retail Systems Division, said, "The NCR 3445 support of UNIX V.4 matches Wal-Mart's UNIX open systems strategy. Because it is based on industry standards, the NCR 3445 can provide enterprise-wide computing solutions based on open systems components and cooperative processing." NCR's System 3000 is a seven-level family of scalable, compatible, general purpose computer systems that support the industry-standard operating systems -- UNIX V.4, SCO UNIX, OS/2 and MS-DOS. Wal-Mart had been using the IBM Series 1, which was installed in 1979. "It is a proprietary system. We wanted something more open, so we could be independent of a vendor if we needed to be, said Schmidt. "We needed a system with more capacity. We wanted one that was open and scalable -- to go in relatively small and then grow," said Schmidt. The installation of the HP 9000 Model 375 was completed last month, according to Schmidt. He said the chain is aiming at Aug. 1 completion of the NCR installation. The NCR 3445 will provide connections between NCR and non-NCR point-of-sale controllers and pharmacy systems with Wal-Mart's central computer in its headquarters in Bentonville, Ark. The NCR and HP systems are configured to support up to 16 terminals in a Wal-Mart store. According to Schmidt, the systems currently are doing traditional applications, such as payroll, general accounting and merchandise reorder. Potential applications include financial management, sales analysis and labor management (Tahmincioglu, 1991). Wal-Mart has signed a multimillion

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Porters generic strategies for Glaxo Smith Kline Essay - 1

Porters generic strategies for Glaxo Smith Kline - Essay Example lities refer to its ability to retain talent, ability to innovate new product, ability of learning from past experiences, ability to improve efficiency, ability to identify target customers etc. Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) started its operation in 1715. Today it is one of largest and oldest companies in the world. GSK’s headquarter is located in UK and its operation is based in US. As far as company’s human resources is concerned there are 99,000 people in more than 100 countries working in GSK (GlaxoSmithKline, n.d.). GSK is a financially sound organization. Last year company’s total turnover was 24 billion euro. Company’s strong financial condition can be further justified by the fact that every hour GSK spend around US$562,000 in finding new medicines. As far as infrastructure is concerned GSK has more than 100 sites in 68 countries. Being the second largest pharmaceutical company GSK has been successfully aligned all its resources to its business strategies. Currently company is focusing on three major strategies that it has adopted. These three strategies are, growing a diversified global business, delivering more products of value and simplifying the operational model. Company is utilizing its vast pool of human resources in order to build a diversified global business. Apart from human resources GSK is one of the largest users of IT which helps the company in order to achieve its objectives. According to the company IT plays important strategic roles as it facilitates access to global information. IT also facilitates global communication which is crucial in case of mergers and acquisitions. According to GSK, IT enables the extension and transformation of major business activities. IT supports major operational processes at all level of operation starting from local to global (GlaxoSmithKline, n.d.). As a res ult it is quite clear that IT helps GSK in the process of simplifying its business model. GSK give huge importance to its

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Short paragraph writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Short paragraph writing - Assignment Example The current immigration laws are ineffective and unfair based on the interests of the American citizens. The laws should be amended, and the importation of qualified immigrants be suspended to give room for the absorption of the American graduates. Since there is adequate STEM graduate, it is imperative for the government to improve the compensation and allowances to attract these individuals (Hira & Stephan,  2014). The emphasis on cheaper labour from immigrants hinders the prospect of personal development as Americans face stiff competition in the workforce. For these reasons, there is a need to amend the Immigration Reform and Control Act should complicate the employment of foreigners. Notably, the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement should be keen to identify illegal workers. Additionally, the penalty policy should be increased such that it scares the employers from hiring illegal immigrants. Finally, the Immigration Act should make it difficult for foreigners to access the I-551 Alien Registration Receipt and the H-1B visa program. Hira,  R., & Stephan,  P. (2014, July 27). Bill Gates tech worker fantasy: Column. Retrieved from

Marketing Audit and set Marketing Objectives for British American Assignment

Marketing Audit and set Marketing Objectives for British American Tobacco Company - Assignment Example The threats facing the company include the illicit and counterfeit trade, stringent regulations, high excise taxes and stiff competition. BAT can use its strengths to exploit opportunities in the e-cigarette customer segment, lucrative China market or make strategic acquisitions in emerging markets. BAT is a leading global tobacco company that was founded in 1902. The company has operates in more than 200 countries and has attained success through acting responsibly in the controversial tobacco industry (Lussier 2008). BAT has a diverse product portfolio that includes more than 200 brands that are sold in more than 200 markets across the world. The market is estimated at one billion adult smokers and some of the global brands include Dunhill, Pall Mall, Rothmans, Benson & Hedges, and Lucky Strike. Yach and Bettcher (2000) outlines that BAT has a strong presence in all geographical markets such as Americas, Asia-Pacific Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa and has established 45 cigarette factories in 41 countries across the world (p 210). The traditional BAT tobacco products include the cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco while the next-generation products that are more innovative include the electronic cigarettes and heat-not-burn devices (Hagele 2010). According to the 2013 financial results, BAT attained strong market and strong earnings growth despite unfavourable operating environment and currency movements in some parts of the world. The company increased its diluted earnings per share by 6 percent in 2013 and total dividends were increased by 6 percent. The company managed to sell 676 billion cigarettes in more than 200 market and recorded 15,260 million pounds in revenues. BAT adopted a new vision and new strategy in 2013 that reflects the needs of the consumers. BAT has implemented a sustainability approach to its